[Paraview] Gray scale image & calculating area with ParaView

Berk Geveci berk.geveci at kitware.com
Wed Jun 11 09:03:48 EDT 2008

> 1. When I download a 3D .mhd gray scale image with ParaView 3.2.1, it
> appears in colour. The option "Map Scalars" under Display option can be
> turned off with a .png image to have a grayscale one but this option
> does not work (i.e. remains inactive) with the .mhd image. How can I
> view my image in gray scale?

This is probably a simple bug. Can you post an image we can test this with?

> 2. I need to measure/calculate different areas of a slice of a 3D mesh.
> I found a filter called
> "Integrate Variables" which does something but I am not sure exactly
> what it does. Can anybody give me more information on this (e.g. how it
> calculates the area, the unit of measurement etc etc.).

For 2D meshes, this filter divides polygons to triangles and sums the
area of all triangles. Since ParaView does not really support units,
the area is based on the original units of the dataset. I am not sure
how the mhd reader figures out spacing of the volume. Is it embedded
in the file? You can find the dimensions of the volume under the
information panel of the reader.


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