[Paraview] problem with Multi-Scale View

M.R.Hadian m.r.hadian at gmail.com
Sat Jun 7 14:49:02 EDT 2008

a problem i have with transform filter is that my data sets are cell
center and i should use "cell center to point data" filter so i can
use streamline filter. after using transform filter the streamline
filter does not work.

On 6/7/08, M.R.Hadian <m.r.hadian at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks, i somehow solve the problem. i will more appreciate if someone
> can suggest another solution that does not transform the data.
> another question, how can i show the x,y and z axis ?
> --Hadian
> Bryn Lloyd wrote:
>> Hi Hadian
>> You could transform the data. This actually modifies the data, so it
>> will not cause the effects you mention.
>> (pv: Filters -> Transform -> Scale x,y,z)
>> --Bryn
>> M.R.Hadian wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> i want to have different scales for x,y and z coordinates because
>>> usually in river engineering the horizontal dimensions of problem is
>>> much larger that its vertical dimension. i faced 2 problem for having
>>> multi-scale in paraview:
>>> 1. when i load the dataset and adjust the scales, it does not used
>>> for the filters i used after that and i should do the same adjustment
>>> for every filter. this waste time and needs attention to do the same
>>> for all the filters.
>>> 2. when i use the scaling on glyph, the scale effect the shape of
>>> arrows which is not desirable.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Hadian
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