Robert Maynard robertjmaynard at gmail.com
Thu Jun 5 09:27:08 EDT 2008

I work for Mirarco who is currently developing paraview-geo, whose 
website is at paraviewgeo.mirarco.org.

While we are currently still in development, we have already developed a 
GoCad reader, and are actually currently working on a Geosoft reader.  I 
will talk to my boss and see if I can send you a distribution of our 
latest development snapshot.

Audrey Pignon wrote:
> Hi,
> I am a novice on Paraview Software but I would like using it for 
> calculate volume of lenses of sweet water in the ground (it is the 
> subject of my internship at the BGR at Hannover). In reality I already 
> did it on Geosoft software but I would like to try different 3D tools 
> and Paraview seems to be well adapted for what I want to do.
> My probleme is that I do not know how to import my geosoft database in 
> Paraview. I can convert it into a GDB, GOCAD, UBC, or XYZ files but 
> these one do not seem to be suported by Paraview. Would you have an 
> idea ? ?
> Thanks for your help
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