[Paraview] libQtPython.so not installed

Julian Cummings cummings at cacr.caltech.edu
Tue Jun 3 17:54:06 EDT 2008


I just updated my ParaView3 sources from CVS today and rebuilt.  The
installed program does not run because libQtPython.so is not installed
along with the other shared libraries.  I can fix this by manually
copying the file into the proper install directory.  This must be some
sort of cmake glitch; I just wanted to report the problem.

Thanks, Julian C.

Dr. Julian C. Cummings                       E-mail: cummings at cacr.caltech.edu
California Institute of Technology           Phone:  626-395-2543
1200 E. California Blvd., Mail Code 158-79   Fax:    626-584-5917
Pasadena, CA 91125                           Office: 125 Powell-Booth

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