[Paraview] Read an IntVectorProperty

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Mon Jun 2 10:10:04 EDT 2008

For information properties to work, one needs what's called "Information 
helper" objects. These are instances that know how to obtain the given 
information from the server side VTK object. In your case, all you need 
is to add  <SimpleIntInformationHelper/> to the XML as follows:

           This returns whether a valid executable has been selected.


Paul Edwards wrote:
> Hi,
> I have created my own object panel deriving from pqObjectPanel.  My 
> plugin needs to check that the meshing program is in the path.  In my 
> ServerManagerConfiguration XML file I have the following:
> 8<----------------------------------------------------
> ...
> <IntVectorProperty
>                     name="ValidExeInfo"
>                     command="isExecutableValid"
>                     information_only="1">
>       <Documentation>
>           This returns whether a valid executable has been selected.
>       </Documentation>
> </IntVectorProperty>
> ...
> ---------------------------------------------------->8
> In my ObjectPanel class I use the following to check it:
> QVariant v = 
> pqSMAdaptor::getElementProperty(proxy()->GetProperty("ValidExeInfo"));
> This isExecutableValid function (defined as "int isExecutableValid()") 
> is never called.  Am I doing something wrong?  This method works for 
> StringVectorProperty...
> Any help would be appreciated,
> Paul
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