[Paraview] ParaView and QT

Michael Wild themiwi at gmail.com
Mon Jun 2 09:11:35 EDT 2008

In my opinion it is (although one might argue it's not "third-party",  
but then what does THAT matter?).

Perhaps that would be something for you guys at kitware? Provide  
different downloads: one with no dependencies, the other with VTK  
bundled? Or no VTK included and leave it to the user to either install  
it beforehand or untar it in the right place so the paraview build  
process can build VTK the way it does now.

I still wouldn't include Qt though...


On 2Jun, 2008, at 15:03, Dominik Szczerba wrote:

> Hi,
> Is bundling VTK not falling into the same category?
> -- Dominik
> Berk Geveci wrote:
>> I agree with Michael that it is not a good idea to bundle Qt with
>> ParaView. I was not happy with bundling Tcl/Tk despite the fact that
>> they are pretty small compared to Qt. I think we will try to keep up
>> with Qt better in the future. We may officially support a specific
>> version but we will try new version as they come out and make sure
>> that they compile at least.
>> -berk
>> On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 5:05 AM, Michael Wild <themiwi at gmail.com>  
>> wrote:
>> Or, as you're using Debian, you can use pinning to prevent apt from  
>> updating
>> Qt. See e.g. [1] or ask google.
>> I would hate a bundled Qt because it is a large beast and if  
>> everybody
>> starts doing it we end up in Windows-Land where every program comes  
>> with the
>> full set of libraries it depends on, cluttering the system until  
>> it's so
>> broken only a clean install can solve the problems...
>> HTH
>> Michael
>> [1] http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-apt-get.en.html
>> On 1Jun, 2008, at 2:42, Berk Geveci wrote:
>>>>> It is not easy to keep up with Trolltech guys, they keep  
>>>>> busy :-) I
>>>>> recommend downloading your own version of Qt, building it and
>>>>> installing it somewhere out of the system path (I use /opt/ 
>>>>> qt-4.X.X).
>>>>> We will start supporting Qt 4.4 after we release 3.4.
>>>>> Also, it sounds like the problem you are running into is with  
>>>>> CMake
>>>>> parsing the output of qmake. Did you test with cvs CMake?
>>>>> -berk
>>>>> On Sat, May 31, 2008 at 8:29 PM, Andrew Maclean
>>>>> <andrew.amaclean at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> This is really frustrating as my debian machines all upgraded  
>>>>>> to QT
>>>>>> 4.4 a few weeks ago so the ParaView builds are now broken. Even
>>>>>> editing the CMakeLists.txt files does not work.
>>>>>> Why is it that everytime Trolltech changes QT it seems to  
>>>>>> require a
>>>>>> major amount of work?
>>>>>> If it is not possible to keep up with the changes coming  
>>>>>> through from
>>>>>> TrollTech, is it possible to do what you used to do with the  
>>>>>> older
>>>>>> version of ParaView and have a special version of QT that is  
>>>>>> bundled
>>>>>> with it?
>>>>>> You say ParaView only works with a particular version of QT so  
>>>>>> why not
>>>>>> bundle it?
>>>>>> Sorry if I sound cranky - I am getting frustrated!
>>>>>> --
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>>>>>> Andrew J. P. Maclean
>>>>>> Centre for Autonomous Systems
>>>>>> The Rose Street Building J04
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> -- 
> Dominik Szczerba, Ph.D.
> Biomedical Simulation Group
> Computer Vision Lab CH-8092 Zurich
> http://www.vision.ee.ethz.ch/~domi

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