[Paraview] Re: vtkPolyData

Alessandro Bellina bellina at uiuc.edu
Tue Jan 29 17:51:52 EST 2008

*bump* I am hoping this email doesn't get buried in the list... anybody got

On Jan 25, 2008 8:39 PM, Alessandro Bellina <bellina at uiuc.edu> wrote:

> Hello again,
> I am trying now to display some data that is not structured in cells and
> points as a mesh would. This is a vector cloud in 3-D. Reading some of the
> other threads I have found this could be done with Programmable Sources, or
> vtp files. My only problem is that I am having trouble creating the actual
> vectors... so I can assign points but am having issues assigning those
> points, end points, to create vectors.
> Here is some code, posted in this list before, that I have been using. I
> think I need to add the end points as vtkPoints, is that right? Then
> populate them in the loop. If anybody could point to how to do this in .vtp
> xml file format that would help me even more. Like what structure should the
> file have?
> Thank you in advance,
> Alessandro
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> #!/usr/bin/env python
> from paraview import vtk
> import csv
> output = self.GetOutput()
> points = vtk.vtkPoints()
> data = vtk.vtkPoints() #? Is this what I need to be using?
> cells = vtk.vtkCellArray()
> vectors = vtk.vtkCellArray()
> file = open("/home/bellina/workspace/Data/CSphere/test.vtp")
> header = csv.reader(file).next() #get the header line
> csvReader = csv.DictReader(file, header) #make a dict reader with the
> header
> counter = 0 #need to keep track of the amount of cells
> for line in csvReader:
>   points.InsertNextPoint(float(line['x']), float(line['y']),
> float(line['z']))   #add a point change the 'x' etc to what you have in your
> header
>   cells.InsertNextCell(1) #each point has its own cell
>   cells.InsertCellPoint(counter)
>   counter += 1
> output.SetPoints(points) #need to set points
> output.SetVerts(cells) #need to set cells as verts
> ----------------------------------
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