[Paraview] Two simple filters

Kent Eschenberg eschenbe at psc.edu
Fri Jan 25 12:05:05 EST 2008

Andriy Fedorov wrote:
> On 25 Jan 2008 10:58:09 -0500, Kent Eschenberg <eschenbe at psc.edu> wrote:
>> Look at the Calculator filter for 1 and maybe 2.
> Thanks for pointing me to Calculator. Indeed, I was able to do (1),
> but, as I understand, Calculator operates on one image only. Is there
> any way for it to take multiple inputs?

No but there is a workaround if both images have the same geometry. Use Append 
Attributes to combine the images so that the result has the data from both. 
Then connect the result to Calculator.

If the name of the data is the same in both images Append Attributes will only 
keep one of them. In this case run one through another instance of Calculator 
to change its name then into Append Attributes.

Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center

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