[Paraview] How to create a parallele reader for paraview ?

Sebastien Jourdain jourdain at artenum.com
Thu Jan 17 04:52:44 EST 2008


I would like to create a parallele reader that could be used in a
standard manner by paraview.

My problem, is that I'm not sure how paraview manage it's pipeline
distribution. (when it's deployed in MPI over a cluster)

I think, (please correct me if I'm wrong)
that paraview 3 use the VTK 5 streaming API for the standard reader to
split input data among each MPI process by selecting on piece for each
MPI process and by simply applying the processing pipeline behind each
selected piece.
Or if the distribution is not made by the reader, the
vtkDistributedDataFilter is used.

The thing is, I don't want each reader to read the file. I need only one
master reader that will generate n dataset for the n processes. And by
now, I don't know how to manage this distribution to allow paraview to
add the processing pipeline behind each distributed dataset in a
standard manner. I wanted to use the vtkTransmitXXXPiece classes to 
forward each piece to each process but I can't find any sample on how to 
make it work with paraview.

If someone has exemples or informations I would really apreciate,



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