[Paraview] Multiple windows when running parallel PV 3.2.1

Manuel Flores manuel.flores at cea.fr
Fri Jan 4 09:16:09 EST 2008

Hello !!!

I'am trying to run ParaView 3.2.1 generated with MPI support on a 
BULL/Itanium cluster (900 nodes, 8 cores/node). In our configuration it 
is mandatory to use LSF/SLURM batch system. My test case is composed of 
16 VTU files and 1 PVTU master file. It works fine when I use only the 
Paraview client, but for some bigger cases I will need to perform a real 
parallel post-treatment (128 processors or more).

The server is launched as well in my LSF submission file :

srun -n 16 ./pvserver

The LSF submission file  "pvserver.lsf" is submitted as well :

bsub < pvserver.lsf

The hosts (or nodes) used by the server are host225 and host226.

Then, I run the client and I connect it to the  node where is running 
the MPI root process (process 0 is on host225). To do that I use the 
File/Connect menu of the client where I have defined the server with the 
manual startup mode. The connection is OK but when I click on button 
"Apply", after master file opening, 16 windows appear in addition of the 
main client window. Each of the 16 windows displays its associated 

Can someone tell me how to avoid the opening of these 16 windows and how 
to make paraview display all domains in the client main window ?

Many thanks.

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