Re:[Paraview] pqPythonShell on local server & local client

Alexander Wille alexander.wille at
Fri Feb 29 06:18:31 EST 2008

Hello everyone,

I've dug deeper into the problem I've described previously. It seems like pqPythonShell can be worked with like a fresh pvpython-instance. I.e., pqPythonShell reacts the same way to code you execute on it using its executeScript()-method as pvpython would right after you started it; The only difference is what I stated in my last post (calling Connect() on a pqPythonShell's servermanager causes Paraview to crash in a strange fashion). So solving the problem with pvpython should solve it with pqPythonShell as well. Now, when I connect the GUI to a pvserver, the pvserver stops waiting for more clients (= it only accepts one). After that, every attempt of connecting a pqPythonShell (in a Plugin) or pvpython to that server fail; It seems as if the GUI-internal servermanager had taken exclusive control over the server (which does make sense, I think). So what I need is not a pqPythonShell with its own servermanager, but one already connected to the builtin server (= the GUI-internal one) OR a Connect()-function of the servermanager working as intended, i.e. connect to the builtin server and not start a builtin server and then connect to it.
How do I get such a pqPythonShell or did I misunderstand the Connect()-method? Or is this a bug?

Best regards,
Alexander Wille

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