[Paraview] Building CVS with ccmake on OS X 10.5

Sean Ziegeler seanzig at users.sourceforge.net
Wed Feb 27 14:17:00 EST 2008

Nevermind.  The files were _not_ there after all.  My CVS checkout must 
have failed and the updates must not have been retrieving the missing 
files.  I had to start over with a new checkout.

Quoting Sean Ziegeler <seanzig at users.sourceforge.net>:

> I'm getting errors from ccmake when building ParaView CVS (ParaView3,
> just did an update) on 10.5 with cmake versions 2.4.7 and 2.4.8.  I
> don't get the errors in Linux with cmake 2.4.7.  This is what it looks
> like:
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> CMake Error: Error in cmake code at
>                         U
>   sers/ziegeler/paraview/src/cvs3/CMake/ParaViewCommon.cmake:52:
>                          IN
>   CLUDE Could not find include file:
> /Users/ziegeler/paraview/src/cvs3/VTK/CMake/vtkDependentOpion
>   .cmake
>   Current CMake stack:
>   [2]/Users/ziegeler/paraview/src/cvs3/CMake/ParaViewCommon.cmake
>   [1]/Users/ziegeler/paraview/src/cvs3/CMakeLists.txt
>   CMake Error: Error in cmake code at
>   /Users/ziegeler/paraview/src/cvs3/CMake/ParaViewCommon.cmake:66:
>   INCLUDE Could not find include file:
> /Users/ziegeler/paraview/src/cvs3/VTK/CMake/vtkSelectShared
>   Libraries.cmake
>   Current CMake stack:
>   [2]/Users/ziegeler/paraview/src/cvs3/CMake/ParaViewCommon.cmake
>   [1]/Users/ziegeler/paraview/src/cvs3/CMakeLists.txt
>   CMake Error: Error in cmake code at
>   /Users/ziegeler/paraview/src/cvs3/CMake/ParaViewCommon.cmake:207:
>   INCLUDE Could not find include file:
> /Users/ziegeler/paraview/src/cvs3/VTK/CMake/vtkSelectStream
>   sLibrary.cmake
>   Current CMake stack:
>   [2]/Users/ziegeler/paraview/src/cvs3/CMake/ParaViewCommon.cmake
>   [1]/Users/ziegeler/paraview/src/cvs3/CMakeLists.txt
>   CMake Error: Error in cmake code at
>   /Users/ziegeler/paraview/src/cvs3/CMake/ParaViewCommon.cmake:208:
>   Unknown CMake command "VTK_SELECT_STREAMS_LIBRARY".
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> I think all the weird line breaks must be an OS X terminal thing.
> What's really strange is that all those include files that it can't
> find are there.
> I thought I had seen a recent post about using CMake CVS on OS X, but
> can't find it with a search.  Anyway, do I need to build my own cvs
> cmake or is this something else?
> -Sean
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