[Paraview] Unexpected XDMF Reader Output in Python

Kent Eschenberg eschenbe at psc.edu
Tue Feb 26 13:45:35 EST 2008

Using pvbatch from ParaView 3.2.1 (CentOS 5) to run the program below yields 
"0" for the number of groups although I know there are 2 grids and one domain. 
I've added other prints (not included) that lists the domains and grids.

The output from the reader is a multigroup dataset. Are the Python classes that 
I am using to investigate the reader output working for this case?

Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center

from paraview import servermanager
reader = servermanager.sources.XdmfReader()
reader.FileName = "test.xmf"
DI = reader.GetDataInformation()
CDI = DI.GetCompositeDataInformation()
print CDI.GetNumberOfGroups()

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