[Paraview] Re: Display of time dependent unstructured grid separating the pointdata and the grid definition?

Alessandro Bellina bellina at uiuc.edu
Thu Feb 21 20:21:09 EST 2008

So basically the VTU format is not capable of this method?

Thanks for your reply


On Thu, Feb 21, 2008 at 2:33 PM, montesino
<Stephane.Montesino at hmg.inpg.fr> wrote:
> Try the Ensight Gold File format, the mesh and the data are in 2 different
>  files and an ascii file (.case) the name of the files and the variable
>  type: ensight gold
>  model:     Electrodes-channel-**********.geo
>  scalar per element: Electric_Polarity
>  Electric_Polarity-Electrodes-channel-001-**********.scl
>  time set: 1
>  number of steps:     8
>  filename start number:         1
>  filename increment:   1
>  time values:
>           1.000
>           2.000
>           3.000
>           4.000
>           5.000
>           6.000
>           7.000
>           8.000
>  Stéphane Montesino
>  hello all,
>  First of all, I have been using ParaView this year for grad work and
>  it has really sped things up for me. Great tool!
>  I am trying to visualize about 200 timesteps (using pvd collection) of
>  a 50,000 node unstructure grid FEM.  As far I as I understand it, I
>  need to include in every vtu file (each timestep) both the mesh
>  definition (i.e. node coords, connectivity, offsets, etc) and
>  obviously the actual pointdata for that timestep. Now, this is taking
>  a little bit of time and was wondering if I could simplify this by
>  breaking the mesh definition and point data into two different files
>  somehow. I need my model to grow to millions of nodes!
>  Thank you,
>  Alessandro

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