[Paraview] Xmdf-reader: grid-centered attributes get read as point-data

Jens jens-devel at gmx.de
Thu Feb 21 10:47:33 EST 2008


I figured out, that grid centerd attribute and node centered attribute
behave just the same (vtkXdmfReader.cxx: line 2519):
      if ( AttributeCenter == XDMF_ATTRIBUTE_CENTER_GRID ||
           AttributeCenter == XDMF_ATTRIBUTE_CENTER_NODE)
        status = pointDataArraySelection->ArrayIsEnabled(name);
        status = cellDataArraySelection->ArrayIsEnabled(name);

How can I add a data field, which has different dimensions than
cell/points, just to show it in a chart?


Jens schrieb:
> Hi,
> I would like to use Xmdf/Hdf5 as my file-format for CFD-simulations. I
> am able to read grids and cell/point centered attributes like velocity.
> But I have trouble with grid centered attributes like "energy spectrum".
> It does not get read correctly.
> In the cvs paraview version I can see (using the spreadsheet) that a
> grid-centered attribute gets read as point-data instead of field-data.
> Any ideas...
> Greetings
> Jens
> P.S: I attached my whole xdmf file
> ========= attribute definition in my xdmf file ==========
> <Attribute Active="1" Type="Scalar" Center="Grid" Name="EnergySpectrum">
>  <DataItem
>   Format="HDF" NumberType="Float" Precision="8" Dimensions="65">
>    hdf5_000.h5:/flow/velocity/energyspectrum
>  </DataItem>
> </Attribute>
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