[Paraview] Creating a PV 3 Plugin - qrc File

clinton at elemtech.com clinton at elemtech.com
Wed Feb 20 15:47:07 EST 2008

You have have multiple Qt widgets connected to one server manager property.
If you want the connection made between your widgets and the server manager 
automatically, then suffix the Qt widget names with _0, _1, _2 for which 
index of the property they are connected with.  If you're going to set/get 
the values yourself, then you can name them another way.

Or if you want to make separate server manager properties, and have one Qt 
widget for each, you'll have to have corresponding properties on your filter.


On Wednesday 20 February 2008 12:59:10 pm Mike Jackson wrote:
> >From the ParaView wiki:
> "pqLoadedFormObjectPanel - if you want to design your form in the Qt
> Designer, you get a .ui file as a result. You can use this class to
> load the .ui file. If the names of widgets created in the Qt Designer
> correspond with server manager objects, they will automatically be
> hooked up"
> So, basically I need ServerManager XML for each "thing" I want to
> display in the gui?
> So I have a VOI that I am setting from the GUI. The QLineEdits are
> named "VOIXMin, VOIXMax.... ".
> Based on that I would need some xml in my server manager file
> like this:
>   <IntVectorProperty name="VOIXMin" command="SetVOIXMin"
>         number_of_elements="1" default_values="0" />
> ---
> Mike
> On Wed, Feb 20, 2008 at 2:33 PM, Mike Jackson <imikejackson at gmail.com> 
> > On Wed, Feb 20, 2008 at 1:49 PM,  <clinton at elemtech.com> wrote:
> > > On Wednesday 20 February 2008 11:40:00 am Mike Jackson wrote:
> > > > I was able to get plugins working on windows so I'll just work in
> > > > that env for a bit.
> > > >
> > > > Question: In my .qrc file I am not really sure what I should be
> > > > putting in there.
> > > >
> > > > Currently I have:
> > > >
> > > > <RCC>
> > > >     <qresource prefix="/ClientPlugin" >
> > > >         <file>pqH5RoboMetReader.ui</file>
> > > >     </qresource>
> > > > </RCC>
> > > >
> > > > The layout of my project is:
> > > >
> > > > PVRoboMet
> > > >   src
> > > >     ClientPlugin
> > > >        Resources
> > > >           pqH5RoboMetReader.qrc
> > > >           pqH5RoboMetReader.ui
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > I am not really sure what I should be putting for "qresource prefix"
> > > > ?
> > >
> > > If you use pqLoadedFormObjectPanel in your plugin, it doesn't matter
> > > what your prefix is.
> > >
> > > > When I try to load my plugin ParaView gives back a dialog that says
> > > > the plugin failed to load. ( Some actual text in that dialog box
> > > > would be useful)
> > >
> > > Update your code.  Its been fixed in CVS today, so you'll get the
> > > reason for failure.
> > >
> > > Clint
> >
> > Things are working now. I just need to start hooking up my widgets to
> > start getting values from the server side. At least this all works on
> > windows. I have no idea what the deal on my OS X machine is (Either
> > 10.4 or 10.5).
> >
> >
> >
> > ---
> >
> > Mike Jackson
> > imikejackson _at_ gee-mail dot com

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