[Paraview] Creating a PV 3 Plugin - qrc File

clinton at elemtech.com clinton at elemtech.com
Wed Feb 20 13:49:05 EST 2008

On Wednesday 20 February 2008 11:40:00 am Mike Jackson wrote:
> I was able to get plugins working on windows so I'll just work in that
> env for a bit.
> Question: In my .qrc file I am not really sure what I should be
> putting in there.
> Currently I have:
> <RCC>
>     <qresource prefix="/ClientPlugin" >
>         <file>pqH5RoboMetReader.ui</file>
>     </qresource>
> </RCC>
> The layout of my project is:
> PVRoboMet
>   src
>     ClientPlugin
>        Resources
>           pqH5RoboMetReader.qrc
>           pqH5RoboMetReader.ui
> I am not really sure what I should be putting for "qresource prefix" ?

If you use pqLoadedFormObjectPanel in your plugin, it doesn't matter what your 
prefix is.

> When I try to load my plugin ParaView gives back a dialog that says
> the plugin failed to load. ( Some actual text in that dialog box would
> be useful)

Update your code.  Its been fixed in CVS today, so you'll get the reason for 


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