[Paraview] XYZ to VTK

Mike Jackson imikejackson at gmail.com
Wed Feb 20 08:30:26 EST 2008

What version of ParaView are you using? And did  you rename the file
to have a ".vtk" extension?


On Wed, Feb 20, 2008 at 6:16 AM, Dr Patricia Lozano-Casal
<P.Lozano-Casal at ed.ac.uk> wrote:
> Hi Mike,
>  I tried doing what you said but I still get this error:
>  ERROR: In C:\berk\ReleaseBuilds\ParaView3\VTK\IO\vtkXMLReader.cxx,  
> line 317
>  vtkXMLUnstructuredGridReader (0C4E74C8): Error parsing input file.
> ReadXMLInformation aborting.
>  ERROR: In
>  C:\berk\ReleaseBuilds\ParaView3\VTK\Filtering\vtkExecutive.cxx,  
> line 757
>  vtkCompositeDataPipeline (0DBC2C28): Algorithm
>  vtkXMLUnstructuredGridReader(0C4E74C8) returned failure for request:
>  vtkInformation (0DC0EA40)
>    Debug: Off
>    Modified Time: 61375
>    Reference Count: 1
>    Registered Events: (none)
>  I have the feeling that my vtkUnstructuredReader only has the XML
>  version. Do you know how I can get the one for ASCII, or a Windows
>  Paraview version that has the right reader?
>  Thanks again for all your help.
>  Patty
>  Quoting Mike Jackson <imikejackson at gmail.com>:
>> Sorry about that. Name the file "test.vtk". That worked for me  
>> under PV
>> 3 on OS X.
>> Mike.
>> On Feb 19, 2008, at 12:27 PM, Dr Patricia Lozano-Casal wrote:
>>>>>> # Example VTK file for general XYZ data
>>>>>> # vtk DataFile Version 2.0
>>>>>> Unstructured Grid Example
>>>>>> ASCII
>>>>>> POINTS 4 float
>>>>>> 3.44 0.0 0.0
>>>>>> 3.44 1.0 0.0
>>>>>> 3.44 0.0 1.0
>>>>>> 3.44 1.0 1.0
>>>>>> CELLS 4 8
>>>>>> 1 0
>>>>>> 1 1
>>>>>> 1 2
>>>>>> 1 3
>>>>>> CELL_TYPES 5
>>>>>> 1
>>>>>> 1
>>>>>> 1
>>>>>> 1
>>>>>> 1
>>>>>> POINT_DATA 4
>>>>>> SCALARS potential float 1
>>>>>> LOOKUP_TABLE default
>>>>>> 1.0
>>>>>> 2.0
>>>>>> 2.5
>>>>>> 3.5
>> --
>> Mike Jackson   Senior Research Engineer
>> Innovative Management & Technology Services
> --
>  Dr Patricia Lozano-Casal
>  Institute for Materials and Processes
>  School of Engineering and Electronics
>  University of Edinburgh
>  Kenneth Denbigh Building
>  The King's Buildings
>  Mayfield Road
>  Edinburgh, EH9 3JL, United Kingdom
>  Phone: ++44 (0)131 650 4859
>  Fax:   ++44 (0)131 650 6551
>  E-mail: P.Lozano-Casal at ed.ac.uk
>  --
>  The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
>  Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

Mike Jackson
imikejackson _at_ gee-mail dot com

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