[Paraview] Plugin for TIFF Writer

Enkelejda Tafaj lejda at gmx.de
Tue Feb 19 12:37:23 EST 2008


adding Plugins to Paraview works fine for new Filters and Readers, but I 
have problems when trying to add a Writer (vtkTIFFWriter.*).

The SERVER_MANAGER_XML - TiffWriter.xml- "activates" the existing vtk 
class (vtkTIFFWriter). I also wrote the files pqTiffWriter.xml and 
pqTiffWriter.qrc for the GUI.

The Plugin compiles, but when I load image data in Paraview and want to 
save it as .tif file, no plugin appears when calling "Save data". The 
TiffWriter.xml file is defined very similiar to the paraview png writer 
so I don't understand why this is not working.

Thank you for your help.


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Name: TiffWriter.xml
Type: text/xml
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Url : http://public.kitware.com/pipermail/paraview/attachments/20080219/14b3bc54/TiffWriter.bin
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    <qresource prefix="/ParaViewResources" >
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Name: pqTiffWriter.xml
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Desc: not available
Url : http://public.kitware.com/pipermail/paraview/attachments/20080219/14b3bc54/pqTiffWriter.bin
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# create a paraview plugin containing server manager xml and the server
# manager classes to build
# this plugin can be loaded on the server side



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