[Paraview] animated BarChart

Jens jens-devel at gmx.de
Tue Feb 19 07:38:13 EST 2008

Hello ParaView Users,

Is it possible to modify
using View->AnimationView to create an animated BarChart?

Why I need that:
I read my plain CSV-Data (comma-seperated-file), which creates a 1D
rectangle grid. Each column in my file gets added as cell-data-array
with the name "Field0", "Field1" , etc. Each field is an output of a
property at a certain time.

Now I can display this arrays in a BarChart, through the "Display"-Tab
of the Object Inspector. To see how the field changes over time I need
to change the array name.

Does anyone has an idea how to do that... (or how to script it)?


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