[Paraview] Re: Stream tracing

Stefan Murphy stefan.murphy at dal.ca
Sun Feb 17 12:12:30 EST 2008

I had a previous post looking for help with a stream tracing problem.
I sent some data to Berk and he said that my problem lies with my
grid. He said: "I am seeing problems with the way you wrote this mesh.
It looks like you are creating duplicate points or something like
that. The mesh is not "water-tight". When you load it in paraview,
change the representation to wireframe. This is supposed to show only
the external surfaces as wireframe. Instead, it shows a lot of
internal boundaries."

I ditched my VTK output routine and adopted some functions that have
been successfully used to create OpenDX files. With this routine I
shouldn't have any issues with duplicate points, etc. With the new
routine I am having the same problem with my mesh. I am wondering if
my problem could have anything to do with the following:

My grid is cartesian and unstructured (vtk cell type 11). There are 6
sides per cell, but it is possible to have more than 6 neighbouring
cells. I attached a picture to show what I mean. I would think this is
a common thing with unstructured cartesian grids, but I am starting to
scrape the bottom of the barrel here and I am wondering if anyone
thinks this could be a problem.

Has anyone been successful in implementing my type of grid in ParaView before?

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