[Paraview] Custom Panel Plugin for Custom Reader

Mike Jackson imikejackson at gmail.com
Wed Feb 13 16:24:16 EST 2008

I would like to write a custom object panel for my custom reader so  
that I can display some information from the file and allow the user  
to do things like select the VOI and such. I read the wiki pages and  
got an idea what where to start. From there I proceeded to look  
through the ParaView source, specifically at the XDMF reader since it  
has a custom panel associated with it. I think I have most of the  
parts in place but the one connection that I am missing is how does  
ParaView know to display the pqXdmfPanel when the user selects an  
Xdmf file?

Mike Jackson
imikejackson & gmail * com

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