[Paraview] particletracer, vectors menu?

Charl Botha c.p.botha at tudelft.nl
Wed Feb 13 12:09:29 EST 2008

Hi there John!!

On Feb 13, 2008 5:50 PM, John Biddiscombe <biddisco at cscs.ch> wrote:
> TemporalStremTracer actually expects a vtkTemporalDataSet as input, but
> the LEA test data is a series of vti files and the generic reader in
> PraaView does not export TIME_RANGE so the executive won't allow it to
> be used as a temporal dataset.

I've made a PVD file (see attached) for the LEA VTI files.  That seems
to assign a timestep to each frame, is that not sufficient?

Thanks for having a look,
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