[Paraview] choosing data set to animate

Pawel Krupinski exmeson at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 6 07:16:50 EST 2008

Hi, I am having problem with making an animation of some cell data. Maybe you could point me in the right direction.
I have 100 legacy vtk files which I read as a time series data. Each of files contains unstructured grid with couple of scalar cell data sets defined. Now I would like to animate one data set over time, i.e. color each frame by the values of given cell data. However when I choose correct 'color by' field in Display tab in Object Inspector and than animate the time series coloring switches to Solid Color for other time frames. Is there a way to choose a data set for all times with some filter or script? I am kind of new to ParaView data flow concept, so in case of script I would appreciate an example. 


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