[Paraview] ParaView Crashes with Custom Reader

Mike Jackson imikejackson at gmail.com
Tue Feb 5 11:35:17 EST 2008

I am developing a Custom reader for our data set. I would like to  
have some "information" type widgets and a Region of Interest widget.  
I believe I have the correct XML in my server manager file. When I  
run Paraview and select my data file I get some debug output then  
ParaView crashes. This is with PV 3.2.1 on OS X 10.4.11 using gcc.

The error output is:

ERROR: In /Users/Shared/OpenSource/ParaView3.2.1/Servers/Common/ 
vtkProcessModule.cxx, line 1001
vtkProcessModule (0x8a5ce50): Object type: vtkH5RoboMetReader, could  
not find requested method: "SetVOI"
or the method was called with incorrect arguments.

while processing
Message 0 = Invoke
   Argument 0 = id_value {84}
   Argument 1 = string_value {SetVOI}
   Argument 2 = int32_value {0}
   Argument 3 = int32_value {100}
   Argument 4 = int32_value {0}
   Argument 5 = int32_value {100}
   Argument 6 = int32_value {100}
   Argument 7 = int32_value {102}

In vtkH5RoboMetReader.h I have the following:

   vtkSetVector6Macro(VOI, int32);
   vtkGetVector6Macro(VOI, int32);

  int32     VOI[6];

My pvsm file is as follows:

  <ProxyGroup name="sources">
   <SourceProxy name="H5RoboMetReader"
    <StringVectorProperty name="FileName" command="SetFileName"
     <FileListDomain name="files" />

    <IntVectorProperty name="VOI" command="SetVOI"
     number_of_elements="6" default_values="0 100 0 100 100 102">
     <ExtentDomain name="extent">
       <Property name="Input" function="Input" />
      This property specifies the minimum and maximum
      point indices along each of the I, J, and K axes;
      these values indicate the volume of interest (VOI).
      The output will have the (I,J,K) extent specified

    <IntVectorProperty name="DataExtent"
     command="GetDataExtent" number_of_elements="6" information_only="1"
     default_values="0 1000 0 1000 0 10">
     <SimpleIntInformationHelper />

    <IntVectorProperty name="FramesPerSlice"
      command="GetFramesPerSlice" number_of_elements="1"  
      <SimpleIntInformationHelper />


What am I not doing correctly?

Mike Jackson
imikejackson & gmail * com

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