[Paraview] Displaying Hierarchical Structure/Components of objects displayed in Paraview

Olumide 50295 at web.de
Sat Feb 2 18:47:46 EST 2008

Olumide wrote:
 > For example, I've created a sample PVD file containing two VTP files,
 > and I wonder if its possible to show the two objects that the PVD file
 > contains, and furthermore get listings of polygons, lines and vertexes
 > in each VTP file, following the structure of the (XML) file.

Also, occasionally I'd like to turn on/off one of the VTP files (or the 
objects its contains). I know the Paraview supports this for PVSM files 
but I'd like to do this with PVD files, because I'd rather not write a 
PVSM file (they're horrendously complicated :-) ).

In case I do need to write a PVSM file, I'd like to know if there's a 
minimalist version that contains only specific stuff like while Paraview 
defaults to the unset parameters. For example:

   <ServerManagerState version="3.0.2">
     <ProxyCollection name="sources">
       <Item id="4456" name="Stuff.vtk"/>
       <Item id="4455" name="More_Stuff.vtk"/>


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