[Paraview] Plugin Writing

Benjamin Schindler bschindler at student.ethz.ch
Tue Dec 30 04:44:17 EST 2008


I have a gui xml file - I have a proper CMakeLists file etc. The thing 
is - I have two filters atm. When I comment one out (from CMakeLists and 
from the xml file), it all works. But when I add the new filter, it 
doesn't work anymore which indicates that there must be some xml error 
of some sort. The thing is, Paraview is completely silent about it. 
That's why I'm asking for some debug output so I actually get a chance 
to diagnose the problem


Michael Jackson wrote:
> That code is in the gui xml file that your plugin provides I believe.
> Something like:
> <ParaViewFilters>
>   <Filter name="myGreatFilter" />
> </ParaViewFilters>
> _________________________________________________________
> Mike Jackson                  mike.jackson at bluequartz.net
> BlueQuartz Software                    www.bluequartz.net
> Principal Software Engineer                  Dayton, Ohio
> On Dec 22, 2008, at 8:28 AM, Benjamin Schindler wrote:
>> Hi
>> I've got a plugin which compiles cleanly, but the menu entry for the 
>> plugin is not shown (The plugin is being loaded - I checked strace. 
>> So PV_PLUGIN_PATH is set correctly)
>> Since I have no clue where the problem could be - is there some 
>> debugging switch that enables some kind of error messages? paraview 
>> is completely silent and doesn't tell a thing when the plugin wasn't 
>> able to load
>> Thanks
>> Benjamin
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