[Paraview] Creating Plugins

Benjamin Schindler bschindler at student.ethz.ch
Fri Dec 19 07:25:44 EST 2008


I'm trying to create a paraview plugin out of a filter I'm currently 
writing for my own viewer. I'm hitting several roadblocks with the parser:

*** SYNTAX ERROR found in parsing the header blablabla

I currently found the following issues:

class Something; // Not allowed because it does not start with the vtk 

class vtkMyFilter: public vtkSomeFilterClass, public MyBaseClass // 
Probably same as above, but I'm not sure
    void SomeFunction(Eigen::Vector3f& arg); // I assume I can't take 
arguments that are not primitive types or don't have the vtk prefix but 
I'm not sure

Is there anything I can do about these issues?


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