[Paraview] SubProxy/ProxyProperty

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Mon Dec 15 11:03:55 EST 2008

Hmm...ProxyGroupDomain is not essential in this case. Is this a custom
panel or an auto generated panel? Can you post the error message you
are getting about the method not found, maybe that'll help.


On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 10:36 AM, John Biddiscombe <biddisco at cscs.ch> wrote:
> Thanks Utkarsh , as usual you are a veritable fountain of wisdom for the
> internals.
> I have this in utilities
>  <ProxyGroup name="particletracerstrategies">
>   <Proxy name="SimpleTerminationStrategy"
>          class="vtkTemporalStreamTracerTerminationStrategy">
>         <DoubleVectorProperty
>        name="TerminationTime"
>        command="SetTerminationTime"
>        number_of_elements="1"
>        default_values="0.0" >
>       <DoubleRangeDomain name="range"/>
>     </DoubleVectorProperty>
>   <blah blah snip snip>
>   </Proxy>
>  </ProxyGroup>
> and this for i the particletracer xml
>     <ProxyProperty name="TerminationStrategy"
>                    command="SetTerminationStrategy"
>                    label="Termination Strategy">
>       <ProxyListDomain name="proxy_list">
>         <Proxy group="particletracerstrategies"
>                name="SimpleTerminationStrategy" />
>       </ProxyListDomain>
>       <Documentation>
>         Set the Strategy for Termination of particles
>       </Documentation>
>     </ProxyProperty>
> It appears to be trying to set the strategy as a string. It tells me that
> setTerminationStrategy is called with the wrong arguments. I was hoping it'd
> create an object of type vtkTemporalStreamTracerTerminationStrategy and set
> that directly.
> I have not specified a ProxyGroupDomain - can I force it to be an object by
> doing that? (Also, the GUI doesn't create the individual properties for the
> strategy itself)
> Got any more clues?
> Thanks
> JB

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