[Paraview] Questions about Multiblock

Berk Geveci berk.geveci at kitware.com
Mon Dec 8 16:51:55 EST 2008

> * Paraview crashes when I load the pvd file:
> <VTKFile type="Collection" version="0.1">
>  <Collection>
>   <DataSet timestep="1" name="this is a name" part="0"
> file="piezo_00000.vtm"/>
>  </Collection>
> </VTKFile>
> But loading the vtm file works. Is there some logging about the crash?

Can you send me the dataset?

> * Is it possible to writte several timesteps within one XML file?

Unfortunately not.

You should look at the Xdmf (xdmf.org) format. It supports some of
what you want.


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