[Paraview] [InfoVis] FW: vtkTree file problem with Paraview

Jeff Baumes jeff.baumes at kitware.com
Tue Dec 2 13:33:59 EST 2008

> I sucessufully compiled all paraview/overview pakage, I included all the
> plug in...but when I try to open my vtkTree files it give me an error.
> It says it cant recognize the data type TREE.

The legacy reader for paraview/overview does not yet support VTK classes.

> I also tryed to create a plug in for vtkTreeReader....

Your reader plugin looks close to correct, and should appear in the
menu. Does your plugin appear in OverView under Tools -> Manage
Plugins ?
You can also try adding


to your ADD_PARAVIEW_PLUGIN command. You can look at Plugins/Infovis
to see how other infovis readers are added to the list.


> It sucessfully complile but when i try to open the file it give me the same
> error. The vtkTree file extension is also not present in the list of file
> type supported.
> Any Idea?
> I tryed to open the file also with overview but it  happen the same.
> Thank you
> Matteo
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Jeff Baumes, Ph.D.
R&D Engineer, Kitware Inc.
(518) 371-3971 x132
jeff.baumes at kitware.com

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