[Paraview] Rotational geometric repetition in paraview (python)

Tobias Froebel tfroebel at gmx.de
Mon Aug 18 11:38:35 EDT 2008


I'd like to create a geometric repetition of a computational domain with 
paraview. Solving this issue using the GUI of paraview ain't  a problem 
since I use the Transform-Filter. Because the geometric repetition of 
the grid and the solution is of circumferential kind I use a rotational 
transformation on multiple copies of the domain.
I tried to adopt this strategy although using the python 
servermanager-modul but unfortunately I can't use the transform-filter 
in the same way. (Actually I am unsure how to allocate a certain 
transformation to the transform-filter.)

Maybe somebody knows an alternative solution for such kind of problems. 
Any suggestion would be very helpful for me.

Thanks, Tobias.

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