[Paraview] pv 3.0.2 max number of parallel processors?

Stephen Wornom stephen.wornom at sophia.inria.fr
Fri Aug 1 11:08:28 EDT 2008

pv 3.0.2 functions correctly with up to 16 partitions.
What I try 32 partitions using 8 processors  I get the error

[3]   Done                    /usr/local/paraview/bin/paraview -dr
Navier> ERROR: In 
line 67
vtkServerConnection (0x4be3290): Server Connection Closed!

[4]+  Broken pipe             /usr/local/paraview/bin/paraview -dr

Is there a limit to the number of processors that can be used?
launch script
#PBS -N "Paraview_8"
#PBS -l "nodes=1:xeon:ppn=8"
#PBS -l "walltime=4:00:00"

# Standard error & standard output are merged in example.out
##PBS -j oe
#PBS -o "Paraview_8.out"
#PBS -m e
echo "The server is listening on host $server "

/usr/local/bin/mpiexec2 /usr/local/paraview/bin/pvserver 

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