[Paraview] Average Calculation on Slice from Ensight Data

merluza at gmx.net merluza at gmx.net
Wed Apr 30 10:33:04 EDT 2008

Hi all 

I am relatively new to CFD postprocessing and use Paraview as the main tool to visualize CFD data (generated by Fluent). The results were exported from Fluent in the EnsightGold format. Reading this data into Paraview is easy and robust. 

I wanted to calculate the average / mean value of a slice. To display the data of this slice is no problem at all (e.g. temperature distribution). I want to determine the average temperature on that slice (or the median), and the standard distribution. The median filter is shaded in grey and not selectable, however. Is there any way how to calculate the average in a simle way? 

When I used the Integrator to integrate all temperature values, and divided manually by the number of cells or points, no sensible result was yielded. 

Is it also possible to export the temperature values of that slice in an easy way to Matlab or Excel? 

I am grateful for any help. Thanks!! Maurice 

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