[Paraview] How Can I Measure the Actual Work in Parallel?

Sean Ziegeler seanzig at users.sourceforge.net
Thu Apr 24 13:51:59 EDT 2008

Consistently using 100% of the processor is usually the result of the
MPI implementation, so the only way that might be able to separate out
the MPI "spinning" from actual work is using a parallel profiler like
TAU.  But then, I don't know of anyone who's tried to use TAU with
ParaView (not that no one has - I just don't know about it).  I'm sure
it would generate interesting results.

I'm not sure what you're trying to achieve, but a less precise way of
measuring work would be to construct a pipeline with pvbatch that keeps
the processors as busy as possible.


Kent Eschenberg wrote:
> The CPU usage of each instance of pvserver and pvbatch is always 100%. 
> How can I tell how much "real" work is being done by each? Or is there a 
> better way to monitor the load balancing across processes?
> Kent
> Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
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