[Paraview] Core dump from pvbatch
Iain Bethune
ibethune at epcc.ed.ac.uk
Fri Apr 4 07:06:58 EDT 2008
When I run a python script that renders images in a loop and writes them out
as PNGs I always get a core dump on the second time around the loop:
Starting iteration 0
Repositioning Camera...
Setting azimuth rotation to 0...
Rendering image...
vtkPainterPolyDataMapper : [ ...........]
vtkPainterPolyDataMapper : [ ...........]
Saving file...
vtkPainterPolyDataMapper : [ ...........]
vtkPainterPolyDataMapper : [ ...........]
Starting iteration 1
Repositioning Camera...
Setting azimuth rotation to 1...
Rendering image...
vtkPainterPolyDataMapper : [ ...........]
Illegal instruction (core dumped)
Illegal instruction (illegal opcode) in . at 0x0 ($t1)
warning: Unable to access address 0x0 from core
(dbx) where
.() at 0x0
_XFlushInt(??, ??) at 0x900000003ca659c
Sync.XSync(??, ??) at 0x900000003cf0dd4
XMesaGarbageCollect() at 0x90000000a2a9944
Fake_glXCreateContext() at 0x90000000a162fa8
glXCreateContext() at 0x90000000a160ba0
CreateAWindow__22vtkXOpenGLRenderWindowFv() at 0x900000009f5f1c8
WindowInitialize__22vtkXOpenGLRenderWindowFv() at 0x900000009f601b4
Initialize__22vtkXOpenGLRenderWindowFv() at 0x900000009f602e4
Start__22vtkXOpenGLRenderWindowFv() at 0x900000009f606a0
DoStereoRender__15vtkRenderWindowFv() at 0x900000009ec9214
DoFDRender__15vtkRenderWindowFv() at 0x900000009ec91ac
DoAARender__15vtkRenderWindowFv() at 0x900000009ec8bb0
Render__15vtkRenderWindowFv() at 0x900000009ec8040
Render__22vtkXOpenGLRenderWindowFv() at 0x900000009f64830
PerformRender__20vtkSMRenderViewProxyFv() at 0x90000000673043c
StillRender__14vtkSMViewProxyFv() at 0x90000000671ddf8
PyvtkSMViewProxy_StillRender__FP7_objectT1() at 0x900000006003870
PyCFunction_Call() at 0x900000007b23944
PyObject_Call() at 0x900000007ad5ed0
ext_do_call() at 0x900000007adfa88
PyEval_EvalFrameEx() at 0x900000007ae4c28
PyEval_EvalCodeEx() at 0x900000007ae0a60
fast_function() at 0x900000007adfd70
ceval.call_function() at 0x900000007ae03c8
PyEval_EvalFrameEx() at 0x900000007ae46d8
PyEval_EvalCodeEx() at 0x900000007ae0a60
PyEval_EvalCode() at 0x900000007ae0fa8
run_mod() at 0x900000007ae9390
PyRun_FileExFlags() at 0x900000007aea3b8
PyRun_SimpleFileExFlags() at 0x900000007aeae34
PyRun_AnyFileExFlags() at 0x900000007aeaffc
Py_Main() at 0x900000007b86930
PyMain__22vtkPVPythonInterpretorFiPPc() at 0x900000007a84c3c
RunGUIStart__30vtkPVProcessModulePythonHelperFiPPcN21() at 0x100010648
StartClient__16vtkProcessModuleFiPPc() at 0x90000000775d3f8
Start__16vtkProcessModuleFiPPc() at 0x90000000775d0e0
Run__25vtkProcessModuleGUIHelperFP12vtkPVOptions() at 0x90000000791ad98
pvbatch.main() at 0x100000d9c
If I remove the step to save the file, it runs fine, and outputs all the
iterations in an X Window as expected.
The script is attached. I'm using PV 3.2.1 on AIX 5.3 - the X server is
cygwin forwarded over PuTTY SSH. Any ideas what might be wrong?
- Iain
Iain Bethune
Applications Consultant, EPCC
Email: ibethune at epcc.ed.ac.uk
Tel/Fax: +44 (0)131 650 5201/6555
Addr: 2404 JCMB, King's Buildings, Mayfield Road, Edinburgh, EH9 3JZ
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland,
with registration number SC005336.
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