[Paraview] Programatically change "Map Scalars" and "Color By"

Mike Jackson imikejackson at gmail.com
Tue Apr 1 14:53:36 EDT 2008

On Apr 1, 2008, at 2:46 PM, Kent Eschenberg wrote:
> Mike Jackson wrote:
>> So either I am misunderstanding what is meant by "Map Scalars" or  
>> I really _do_ need it unchecked. With it "Checked" the colors do  
>> NOT match. With it "Unchecked" the colors that the user selects  
>> for their data does match what is displayed.
> With it checked your data will pass through the color lookup table,  
> what is called "mapping", hence the name. If the data is a vector  
> its magnitude will be used. Only if your data is a vector of 3  
> unsigned bytes can the button be unchecked; then, the data is used  
> directly as the color.
> I often use a 2D elevation map derived from USGS data where the  
> color at each point is stored as 3 unsigned bytes. Unchecking "Map  
> Scalars" is required to see the desired colors.
> Kent
> Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center

Great. That is what I was understanding from the "VTK Book". Now, is  
there any way in PV 3 CVS to uncheck that box when my filter is run?


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