[Paraview] Parallel running slower than serial case

Luis Martins zeca.pipocas at gmail.com
Wed Oct 3 10:25:32 EDT 2007


I'm running Paraview 3.1.0 on a Intel Centrino Duo with Ubuntu 7.04 and
trying to visualize some CFD data on Ensigth Gold files(velocity on a
256x256x128 mesh) and when I run it in parallel the results arrive slower
than on serial. Another weird thing (maybe a symptom) happens when
I connect to the pvserverlaunched before: paraview opens 2 extra windows
titled "Visualization Toolkit - OpenGL", one of witch reproduces the image
 in the main Paraview window.

This is how I'm running the program:
server: mpirun -np 2 ./pvserver
program: ./paraview

The following options we're activating according to the info available at
the wiki faq page and on the mailing list:
In Edit/Settings/Active View Properties/Server
Remote Render Threshold -> 0 MBytes
Disable Ordered Compositing -> Unchecked
Subsample Rate -> 4 Pixels
Squirt Compression -> 19 Bits

I see the pixelization when I rotate the picture, everything happens as it's
described to suppose to happen, except for the two windows and, the real
question here, the speed difference: slower in parallel mode.

Can anyone help?

Luís Martins

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