[Paraview] Compiling ParaView 3 on Mac OS X (PowerPC)

Bernhard Gschaider Bernhard.Gschaider at unileoben.ac.at
Thu May 10 10:54:56 EDT 2007

Thanks for the answer.

>>>>> On Thu, 10 May 2007 07:23:54 -0600
>>>>> "KM" == Kenneth Moreland <Moreland> wrote:

    KM> That information is for ParaView 2.X.  ParaView 3, which has
    KM> much better native support for Mac, should compile just fine
    KM> with the default CMake options.

That's great. I've already tried it with those default settings.

    >> Speaking of the QT. Which version should I use. Currently I'm
    >> trying to compile it with the OpenDSource-Version I downloaded
    >> from Trolltech (the DMG) but ccmake complains in
    >> VTK/GUISupport/Qt/CMakeList.txt it has an unknown CMake
    >> command: QT4_WRAP_CPP. Is this a QT or a CMake problem.

But this problem still persists: I don't know too much about cmake,
but am I right that this is a problem with cmake(I'm using 2.4.6) or
the cmake-Files that come with the soure, because I don't find where
QT4_WRAP_CPP is being defined.


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