[Paraview] Clip to Transparency?

Gregory, David C CIV NSWCDD, G24 david.c.gregory at navy.mil
Mon May 7 13:17:35 EDT 2007

I'm using ParaView 2.6.1 with a 2D VTK legacy structured dataset.  In
the edit color-map panel, I can set the out of range colors to black,
grey, white, etc. ( the same as the background).  However, I have other
data "behind" the dataset that I would like to show at the same time.
Is it possible to set the out of range colors to "transparent"?

David C. Gregory 
NSWC Dahlgren, Lethality and Effectiveness Branch - G24 
6138 Norc Avenue 
Suite 131 
Dahlgren, VA 22448-5157 

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