[Paraview] Clean to Grid, 'tolerance' parameter

Dan Goldstein dan at cora.nwra.com
Wed May 2 13:31:39 EDT 2007

  Does anyone know if there is a straightforward way to change the 
tolerance in the Clean to Grid filter?

I see there was a previous bug report about this, and that it was
closed. Has someone found a way to effect the 'tolerance' parameter or 
was it decided that it was not needed?
"Bug #1482 - SNL: Clean to Grid should have a 'tolerance' parameter"

The reason I am looking to change the tolerance is that I have spectral 
element code the writes vtk files. The Spectral elements, which in turn 
contain norder^3 collocation elements that are represented as hexahedra, 
are written such that the coincident vertices are not really shared in 
the vtk representation. I then can sometimes use CleanToGrid in in PV to 
merge them but often the distance between the "coincident" vertices 
exceeds the default tolerance in the CleanToGrid  filter.

Thanks for any help.


PS. Just tried 3.0 Beta.. Looks cool. Thanks for all the great work!

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