[Paraview] Plot3D
Evgeniy Shapiro
shellinux at gmail.com
Tue May 1 14:06:36 EDT 2007
Help me pleeeeeease! I'm using paraview 2.6.0. I am trying to read a
plot3D dataset generated by (as per
C open grid file
OPEN(1,FILE="grid.xyz", form="unformatted", action="write")
rewind (1)
! write blocks
write(1) 1
! write size
write(1) ni,nj,nk
! write coordinates
write(1) (((x(I,J,K),I=1,ni),J=1,nj),K=1,nk),
& (((y(I,J,K),I=1,ni),J=1,nj),K=1,nk),
& (((z(I,J,K),I=1,ni),J=1,nj),K=1,nk)
OPEN(1,FILE="grid.q", form="unformatted", action="write")
rewind (1)
! write size
write(1) 1
write(1) ni,nj,nk
write(1) r,r,r,r
! write coordinates
write(1) (((( vars(i,j,k,l), i = 1, ni),
& j = 1, nj), k = 1, nk), l = 1, 5 )
Which fails. The error message I get is
# Error or warning: There was a VTK Error in file:
vtkPVPLOT3DReaderModule (0x90c1cf8): Can not read input file. Try
changing parameters.
ErrorMessage end
I have tried reading with "binary on" and "fortran byte count" on/off,
multiblock on/off to no avail. Tecplot imports the same dataset without
complaints. I ran out of ideas.
What am I doing wrong????
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