[Paraview] VRML import failing

Kent Eschenberg eschenbe at psc.edu
Wed Mar 28 10:33:32 EST 2007

Scott Vorthmann (personal) wrote:
> I'm trying to import a VRML file, but it appears that there's something 
> amiss with the importer itself.  This is from the Error Log:
> vtkCompositeDataPipeline (074FF490): Input port 0 of algorithm 
> vtkVRMLSource(074FBA50) has 0 connections but is not optional.

You don't mention your version of PV or your OS so I am just 
guessing that you are using 2.6.0 on Linux.

There is a fix for the VRML reader in the CVS version of 
2.6.0 that was described a week or two on this list. It will 
be in the archives. With that I could read VRML with no errors.

I found that there is another bug where the reader ignores 
the "transform" command. Not all VRML files use that command 
and so that may not be important for you. It produced no 
error - just didn't do the transform.

Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center

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