[Paraview] Xyz files - wrong reader

Jean Favre jfavre at cscs.ch
Fri Mar 9 02:42:05 EST 2007

Scott, W Alan wrote:
> I have a user that wants to open up an XMol .xyz format file.  It 
> keeps being opened by the wrong reader - the Plot3d reader.  I have 
> tried to force the reader, using the Open file/ "Files of type" 
> pulldown, selecting the "XMol Molecule Files" and I still get the 
> wrong reader.  Is there a fix for this?  Is this a bug?
I am the original contributor. At this point, I would say don't bother. 
Once loaded, you will be disappointed with what ParaVview can offer for 
*molecular* visualization.
I would instead encourage you to look at another open-source 
contribution we have recently developed, and that is completely 
dedicated to molecular sciences. And if it matters, *yes*, there's VTK 
technology under the hood. :-)

give it a try:


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