[Paraview] bug in CMakeList.txt of MaterialLibrary?

Jens jens-devel at gmx.de
Wed Jul 25 04:02:56 EDT 2007


Line 85 in CMakeList.txt of MaterialLibrary (NOT "${VTK_BINARY_DIR}"
MATCHES "^${VTK_SOURCE_DIR}$") seems not to be correct.

I try to compile paraview 3 (july snapshot) from source but cmake(2.4.7)
gives me the following error.

RegularExpression::compile(): Nested *?+.
RegularExpression::compile(): Error in compile.
CMake Error: Error in cmake code at
IF had incorrect arguments: NOT "${VTK_BINARY_DIR}" MATCHES
"^${VTK_SOURCE_DIR}$" (Regular expression
"^/data/workspaces/C++/ParaView3/ParaView3_July07/VTK$" cannot compile).
Current CMake stack:
CMake Error: Error in cmake code at
ENDIF An ENDIF command was found outside of a proper IF ENDIF structure.
Or its arguments did not match the opening IF command.
Current CMake stack:


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