[Paraview] Compile Paraview with Python-Wrappings for VTK(!) enabled

Bernhard Gschaider bgschaid_lists at ice-sf.at
Mon Jul 2 11:42:12 EDT 2007


>>>>> On Mon, 2 Jul 2007 11:18:41 -0400
>>>>> "DED" == David E DeMarle <David> wrote:

    DED> Try this: Setup these three directories: * PV3SOURCEDIR (the
    DED> directory where you have you ParaView3 source) * PV3BUILDDIR
    DED> (the directory where you've built ParaView3) start this build
    DED> by issuing
    >> ccmake ${PV3SOURCEDIR}
    DED> * VTKBUILDDIR (the directory where you want to build VTK)
    DED> start this build by issuing
    >> ccmake ${PV3SOURCEDIR}/VTK)

    DED> Then in the PV3BUILDDIR, the cmake variable
    DED> PARAVIEW_ENABLE_PYTHON turns on/off python wrapping for
    DED> paraview and hides the VTK_WRAP_PYTHON variable.

    DED> In the VTKBUILDDIR, the VTK_WRAP_PYTHON variable works as
    DED> normal.

But that would mean building a completely set of VTK-libraries? I was
trying to avoid that because I feared I might run into some kind of
DLL-Hell that way ("is this the VTK-libvtkcommon.so or the
Paraview-libvtkCommon.so I'm using?") But if it can not be avoided I
will try a separate build the way you described it


    DED> hth, Dave DeMarle

    DED> On 7/2/07, Bernhard Gschaider
    DED> <Bernhard.Gschaider at unileoben.ac.at> wrote:
    >> Hi!
    >> I want to play around with the VTK and Python. As I have
    >> already a Source-installation of Paraview3 I figured I'd better
    >> use the VTK that comes with this. The switch VTK_WRAP_PYTHON is
    >> not available in ccmake, so I changed it in CMakeCache.txt to
    >> ON. Now the option is visible, but when I try to
    >> configure/generate/compile it gets reset to OFF.
    >> Is there any other way to enable the Python-Wrapping or do I
    >> have to install a separate version of the VTK?
    >> Bernhard
    >> PS: Googling around found some indications that VTK_WRAP_TCL
    >> has to be enabled as well, but this didn't work for me, too.

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