[Paraview] ParaView 2.6.0

Amy Squillacote amy.squillacote at kitware.com
Tue Jan 30 10:06:18 EST 2007

Hi ParaView users and developers,

The ParaView 2.6 beta release (version 2.6.0) is now available for 
download from the ParaView web site: 
http://www.paraview.org/HTML/Download.html.  It is also available 
through CVS; the tag is ParaView-2-6-0.  If you find bugs in the 
release, please e-mail me; preferably also send me a patch file to fix 
the problem.  There have been several changes since the 2.4 release of 
ParaView; they include the following.

    * Parallel uniform rectilinear grid volume rendering (vtkImageData)
    * New algorithms for parallel unstructured grid volume rendering
    * Hardware accelerated offscreen rendering using OpenGL framebuffers
      (supported on all platforms)
    * Improved multi-block support
    * Improved AMR support
    * Animation saving with ffmpeg
    * The mesh quality filter now uses the verdict library (more quality
    * New readers: FLUENT, OpenFOAM, MFIX, LSDyna, AcuSolve
    * Added gradient filter for unstructured data.
    * Picking/Probe/Data Analysis filter improvements:
          o Fix lockup when some nodes lack data in parallel.
          o Use time value from reader for X axis.
          o Save changes in state, trace and batch files.
          o Turn on exodus reader's point data global id array by default.
          o Allow DataAnalaysis filter to open up data sets that lack
            point data.
          o Fix a bug that occurred in parallel when data arrays were
            ordered differently.
    * Surface Extraction improvements:
          o Let volume rendering display ignore non tetrahedral cells
            when volume rendering tetrahedral data.
          o Create vtkOriginalCellIds array to track which 3D cells
            produce each 2D surface cell.
          o If all the cells in an unstructured grid are already
            simplices, just copy the input to the output.
          o Add a new attribute type, GLOBALID, which will not be copied
            piecemeal or interpolated. Ids need to be protected
            throughout the pipeline because they are identifiers, and
            not numbers per say, so algebraic operations on them are
    * D3 filter improvements:
          o Make the D3 filter use vtkIdType instead of int everywhere
            internally for globalid arrays.
          o Update exodus to deal with globalids stored in vtkIdType arrays.
    * Misc. bug fixes:
          o Integrate attributes filter's GUI page updates while
            animations progress.
          o AnimationSceneProxy - Fix a segfault when iren
            (vtkRenderWindowInteractor) was null.
          o XMLWriter - strip trailing whitespace from filenames.
    * Composite Rendering improvement:
          o Turn off multisampling to prevent RLE (run-length encoding)

The web site lists precompiled binaries for Windows, Linux, and Mac OSX.

We hope you enjoy the new release.

Amy Squillacote
Kitware, Inc.

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