[Paraview] Matlab, VTK XML & Paraview

Kevin H. Hobbs hobbsk at ohiou.edu
Wed Jan 24 12:17:39 EST 2007

On Wed, 2007-01-24 at 16:33 +0000, Craig Warren wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I'm using Matlab to extract data from an EM simulator, write a VTK  
> XML file, and view the results in Paraview. I'm reading and writing  
> the data as UInt16. I want to write the data in the VTK file as  
> binary and so am using this form:
> <AppendedData encoding=raw">
> _NNNN...............
> </AppendedData>
> The problem is I keep receiving this message from Paraview.
> # Error or warning: There was a VTK Error in file: /Users/kitware/ 
> ParaViewReleaseRoot/paraview-2.4.4/VTK/IO/vtkXMLDataReader.cxx (478)
> vtkXMLImageDataReader (0x85bd630): Cannot read point data array  
> "material" from PointData in piece 0.  The data array in the element  
> may be too short.
> ErrorMessage end
> I have better results using Float32 but the Data Range is reported  
> incorrectly when the VTK file is read in Paraview. This is being done  
> on a PowerPC machine (Apple Powerbook) so I've made sure I'm doing  
> everything in BigEndian.
> Any suggestions would be most welcome.

First the obvious, I assume that you know that there's enough data. It
should be easy to check with raw data.

I've seen this error in situations where it does not make sense. For me
it was when I wrote a file with many pieces. Are you writing many
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