[Paraview] Questions Regarding PV2.6 in Cluster configuration

Berk Geveci berk.geveci at kitware.com
Wed Jan 24 10:43:21 EST 2007

So many questions, so little time to answer :-) I will answer a few first.

> 1) When using the new Structured Volume Rendering in a Client-Server
> (Parallel) configuration, it looks like it doesn't composite the images
> correct.  I have verified that the "Disable Ordered Compositing" checkbox is
> OFF.

I will investigate this. Do you have any screenshots you can share
(you can send them directly to me if you want).

> 2) Running with OSMesa is working Fantastic (no mangling used, just OSMesa).
>  However, when running with a single node (or directly on the cluster)
> running while linked against the Hardware Accelerated OpenGL drivers is
> (obviously) much faster ( 1.5Mill Tris/Sec vs 150Mil Tris/Sec).  Is there
> any way to have Mesa there for client-server (--use-offscreen-rendering)
> support, but have Hardware there for single-user stuff?

Sure. Compile 2 different versions. One with accelerated OpenGL and no
MPI. That is your client/single node. One with Mesa. That is your
server. You can throw away that client. In ParaView 3, we have options
to disable the compilation of client. I think there is a similar
option in ParaView 2 too but I can't remember.

to be continued... (I hope)

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