[Paraview] Cutting plane coordinates

Sean Ziegeler seanzig at users.sourceforge.net
Fri Jan 12 11:42:38 EST 2007

Hi all,
I'd like to specify the outer coordinates of a cut plane rather than
center/normal.  I would prefer that it be fairly precise, so moving the
plane by manipulators isn't the best option.  Besides, turning on "Cube
Axes" for the plane doesn't help much with manual manipulator placement
since the coordinates don't get updated until the new position is

I could also hand-compute the appropriate center/normal values from the
outer coordinates, but that's a bit tedious.  The only other idea I have
is to modify the Cut module and add a new type of Cut Function that is
identical to Plane but the interface would provide inputs for the
requisite 3 points needed to specify a plane.

Is there some other way that I haven't thought of, or is that pretty
much it?


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